Category Archives: Installation & Configuration

Punching Hard – QRadar Security Intelligence Platform


Off late, at Infosecnirvana, we have been looking beyond ArcSight Enterprise Security Platform (ESP) to see if there are any other SIEM products that either challenge or match up or exceed the capability of ArcSight ESP. One of the products that has caught our attention in recent times is the IBM acquisition – Q1 Labs offering – QRadar Security Intelligence Platform. IBM completed this buy in 2011 and jump started their Security Systems Division providing a platform to compete against HP who jump started their Enterprise Security Products group with the buying of ArcSight in 2010. Both of them are competing hard in the market place and are vying for the top spot as evidenced in numerous SIEM vendor analysis and reports.

Gartner reports are something that every company looks before investing in a SIEM solution. The interesting thing about QRadar that caught our attention is how consistently it has climbed the ladder of the SIEM Leaders Quadrant. Lets take a look at the last 3 years of the Gartner Magic Q to get an idea of the rapid climb of QRadar against ArcSight.


Looking at the graph more closely, even McAfee Nitro and Splunk are catching up in the leaders Q. However, in this post we will concentrate on Q1 Labs QRadar only as they are by and large the biggest threat to ArcSight in terms of technology and capability, not to mention Market share.

First things First:

The QRadar Integrated Security Solutions (QRadar) Platform is an integrated set of products for collecting, analysing, and managing enterprise Security Event information. The various components that are part of this Platform are:

  • QRadar Log Manager – log management solution for Event log collection & storage.
  • QRadar SIEM – Correlation engine
  • QRadar VM – Vulnerability scanner and management tool set available to integrate Event data to Vulnerability data. This provides on demand scans, rescans and vulnerability tracking.
  • QRadar QFlowNetwork Behaviour Analysis & Anomaly detection using network flow data. QFlow provides payload information (up to Layer 7) in every detected event which is a great value addition to Netflow data. 
  • QRadar vFlow – Application Layer monitoring for both Physical & Virtual environment.

Key Strengths of QRadar: Few of the things that blew us away when we played around with IBM QRadar was:

  • Easy Setup – It was a breeze to install the product. There are very few or no moving parts in the installation process. The console is also Web based and is a full functional console. From a deployment and operations perspective, this comes across as a super easy, super quick solution to SIEM needs.
  • Value Out of the Box – QRadar comes packed with a lot of content Out of the box to get up and running. The Dashboards are already built for you, more than 1500 reports are waiting for you to just click and run, rules are categorized nicely under various Threat sections and immediately start firing “Offenses” (Correlation rule triggers are called so in IBM world), Network Flow and Packet data are available instantly under the same unified console when triggers are analysed and so on and so forth. We have never seen such quick turnaround times with any other SIEM product in recent times.
  • Completely Replicated Architecture – Full replication is available in the product and can be enabled with a click. This is something which we were really impressed with. In major organisations, this is non-negotiable and such a easy set up really builds up a story.

Key Weakness of the Product: Now being ArcSight users for several years now, this section is something which is right down our alley. Some of the key weakness we saw with the product are:

  • Scale: In spite of all the ease of set up and value Out of the box, when compared against ArcSight, scaling up with multiple tiers is a problem. One of the caveats we see here is that QRadar is an appliance based model. You can have several collector appliances, but to query them you can have only only Manager or Console Appliance. This will severely impact the scalability in a multi-tier set up.
  • Multi-Tenancy: ArcSight has always been best suited for a Managed service implementation with its Customer tagging, zoning and overall multi-tenancy architecture. However, this is a big problem when it comes to QRadar. They don’t have such a capability today. However, we believe their product road map does talk about such features in the future, but we will have to bite our nails in anticipation.
  • Customization: One of the things which propelled ArcSight to land major defence and government contracts was its capability to customize almost everything except the core source code. When creating Content like Use Cases, Rules, Reports, Third party integration etc. this customization capability comes in handy. Such customization & flexibility is seldom seen in any SIEM product out there. QRadar offers some of these customization, but the moment you take it along that route, you will be disappointed on what it lets you do – Read NO API.
  • Workflow: Other impressive thing about ArcSight is its wonderful content management workflow. It has a full blow case management workflow, event handling workflow, Use Cases workflow etc. whereas QRadar falls short as it does not have any such powerful workflow capabilities. Hopefully IBM will address it in future product releases.

Overall Comparison with ArcSight: ArcSight ESP by far has been the oldest and supposedly the most mature SIEM offering in the market but honestly they are losing ground because, they have not been seriously challenged so far. QRadar does that exactly. Based on the key Strengths and Weaknesses of the product, you should have got an idea of where the product stands.

  • Most of the customers would love to get QRadar in their environment just for the ease of set up and Out of the box value. ArcSight is still a pain to set up and generate value. Most of the implementations of ArcSight have failed for the simple reason – Complexity
  • QRadar put a lot of emphasis on Network security based monitoring approach, where as ArcSight takes an Identity based Security monitoring approach. This is an interesting because the Cyber security world is still split about what is key – “Identity based or Network Security based”. In our humble opinion, a mix of both is what really works.

In Conclusion: QRadar definitely is a wonderful product and a worthy competitor to ArcSight as the battle for the top prize plays out. As technology enthusiasts, we are eager to see how the market plays out, but one thing is for sure

“QRadar Security Intelligence Platform is definitely Punching Hard”.

There you have it!!! Let me know what you guys think about these two products and which one do you prefer and why? Comment on below.